Hpv and Dont Want to Have Sex Again

8 Ways to Prevent HPV or Detect It Early

Sure strains of HPV can crusade cancer, and others can cause genital warts. You can lower your gamble of both by following these steps.

a woman standing alone

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a grouping of more than 150 viruses, about 40 of which are typically transmitted from person to person during intimate, or sexual, contact.

Sexually transmitted HPV infections are very common and can affect both men and women. In fact, more than 79 1000000 Americans are currently infected with HPV, according to the Centers for Disease Command and Prevention, and another fourteen million go newly infected each year.

Nearly of the time, HPV is harmless and goes abroad on its ain. But because some HPV types can crusade genital warts, and others can crusade changes in the cells that can eventually develop into cancer, it'south important to protect yourself confronting HPV transmission with these eight strategies.


Go the HPV Vaccine to Forestall HPV Cancers and Genital Warts

a woman with a band aid on her arm after getting a vaccine

The HPV vaccine Gardasil protects against the types of HPV that cause most cervical cancers, every bit well as HPV-related anal, vaginal, vulvar, penile, and oropharyngeal cancers — cancers of the soft palate, base of the tongue, and tonsils. Gardasil also protects against most genital warts.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that all boys and girls be vaccinated at age 11 or 12, before whatsoever likely exposure to sexually transmitted strains of HPV. Only the vaccine is approved for girls, boys, women, and men ages 9 to 45.

RELATED: HPV Vaccine Offers Cancer and Genital Wart Prevention


Consider Abstinence if You're Not Ready or Don't Want to Have Sex

a couple on a couch together

The only 100 percent constructive manner to prevent HPV transmission is abstinence from whatever sexual contact, including oral, anal, and vaginal sex. You may decide to abstain from sex if you lot're not in a committed relationship, if y'all're in a relationship merely don't experience fix to accept sex, or for whatever other reason.

For many adults, though, complete forbearance is not a realistic or desired option. If that'due south the case for you lot, there are other effective ways, including the suggestions listed here, to prevent HPV from spreading and infecting you and your sexual partners, says Maria Trent, MD, a specialist in adolescent medicine at Johns Hopkins Medicine in Baltimore.


Don't Start Having Sexual practice Too Young

a couple holding hands

The younger you are when y'all start having sex, the greater your risk for acquiring an HPV infection if y'all're exposed to the virus. The age group with the highest prevalence of HPV infection is betwixt ages 15 and 25. There's no way to know whether a prospective partner who is sexually experienced has HPV.

If you're going to have sexual activity at a young age, the all-time fashion to protect yourself is to get vaccinated first. The vaccine is given in two or three doses, by and large over vi to 12 months. Y'all can as well lower your risk past using condoms from start to finish during whatsoever sexual run into.

Ideally, you and your partner should be honest with ane some other almost your corresponding sexual histories. But keep in mind that anyone can accept HPV, and it only takes one infected partner to transmit the virus to the other person.


At Whatever Historic period, Limit Your Number of Sexual Partners

a couple kissing

Another HPV prevention strategy is to limit the number of sexual partners you have. The more sexual partners, the more possible exposure you have to HPV. But even one sexual partner who has been exposed to HPV is enough to infect you. And the more partners your partner has had, the higher your gamble.

Some studies suggest that knowing a new partner for viii months or longer before having sex can reduce your hazard of HPV transmission. The run a risk is lowered considering that fourth dimension period allows any HPV infection that is nowadays in the potential partner to clear.


Utilize Condoms for Every Sexual Encounter

a condom

If you are sexually active, using condoms tin help lower the risk of HPV transmission. It is important to use a condom from start to end of every sex act, including oral and anal sex. HPV is transmitted past skin-to-skin contact. Because HPV can infect areas that are not covered by the condom, condoms volition not fully protect you confronting contracting HPV, merely condoms do help in HPV prevention. Also: Never reuse a condom.

RELATED: Oral HPV Is a Growing Business organisation in Men


For Men, Circumcision May Lower Your Run a risk

a man after getting up in the morning

A multifariousness of studies have shown that men who are circumcised have a lower risk of HPV than those who are not, and their risk of infecting their female person sexual partners is also lower.

On the other paw, a study presented at the May 2017 annual coming together of the American Urological Clan found that nigh half of a national sample of 1,502 American men tested positive for HPV on a penile swab, and circumcised men had a twofold increased hazard of high-risk, cancer-causing HPV infections.

Since circumcision alone cannot provide a guarantee against HPV infection, parents should notwithstanding get their sons vaccinated confronting HPV, regardless of circumcision status, and sexually active men should take advisable precautions to avoid getting infected with HPV. Since the HPV vaccine is now approved for men through age 45, more than men have the option of getting information technology to protect their sexual wellness.


Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle to Strengthen Your Immune System

a person eating healthy food

While no particular diet has been shown to preclude HPV infection or the cancers associated with HPV, there is evidence that following a healthy, plant-based nutrition high in naturally occurring vitamins and minerals strengthens the immune system and may exist protective against developing at least some cancers.

Follow a healthy diet, one that is low in saturated fat and sugars and rich in fruits and vegetables. Also, get regular exercise, don't fume, and don't drink to excess. Keeping your torso in practiced shape helps boost your allowed system, and a healthy immune organisation is able to fight off infections.

RELATED: What Is the Best Diet for Cancer Prevention?


For Women, Get Screened to Catch Precancers Early

a doctor preparing to give a patient a pap smear

In some women, HPV infection leads to cervical dysplasia, or aberrant changes in the cells of the neck. Cervical dysplasia can develop into cervical cancer, merely early detection and treatment can prevent that from happening.

2 tests are used to screen for cervical precancers or the presence of HPV infection of the cervix:

  • The Pap exam involves collecting cells from the cervix and examining them under a microscope to look for abnormalities.
  • The HPV similarly involves collecting cells from the cervix but checks for the virus, not for abnormal cells.

The American Cancer Society (ACS) recommends that women ages 21 to 29 have a Pap test every three years without an HPV examination, because HPV infection is then common in this age group. HPV testing may be advised for a woman who has an abnormal Pap exam outcome.

For women ages 30 to 65, the ACS recommends getting an HPV test forth with a Pap test every five years or a Pap exam alone every 3 years.

RELATED: HPV Is the Cause of Cervical Cancer in Women

Additional reporting by Ingrid Strauch.


Source: https://www.everydayhealth.com/hpv/ways-prevent-hpv-detect-it-early/

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